This page is for developers of PLEN series.
Please download 3D data and build PLEN2, how to assemble, forum, etc. Please use it for development.
How to getting Started with PLEN

1.Download 3D data
Download 3D data, firmware, motion data etc of PLEN from GitHub.

2.Get Control Boards and Servo Motors
You can purchase necessary parts such as control board and servomotor from

3.Install Firmware
Install the firmware on the control board.

4.Print and Assemble
Print and assemble exterior parts with 3D printer. The assembly manual can be viewed from wiki.

Set the initial position of the joint of PLEN. Please check wiki for initial setting.

6.Ensoul PLEN
Let’s ensoul PLEN by making an original motion using an application such as Motion Editor and Scenography.
Hello, World Where PLEN Is!