The followings is PLEN Project standards for the protection of personal information.

1. Company will acquire the personal information of customers through lawful and ethical means based on the laws governing Japan.
2. When obtaining personal information, PLEN Project will notify customers individually or through official announcement beforehand. If it is necessary to use personal information for purposes other than those requested by PLEN Project beforehand, PLEN Project will notify those new purposes of use and obtain customer consent.
3. PLEN Project will implement appropriate security measures to prevent unauthorized access, loss, destruction, alteration, or disclosure of the customers’ personal information.
4. In the event that PLEN Project entrusts the management of personal information to another party, PLEN Project will create the necessary agreements with these parties to ensure the necessary protection of personal information and the proper supervision of the use of information.
5. In the event that PLEN Project receives a request from a customer to disclose, change, stop the use of, or delete that customer’s personal information, PLEN Project will take the requested actions after confirming customer’s identity.
6. PLEN Project will not disclose a customer’s personal information to any third party excluding:
the customer agrees to such disclosure.
the information is disclosed in a form whereby the customer cannot be identified (ie: statistical data).
PLEN Project is lawfully ordered by a judicial or government authority to disclose or submit such information.
7. PLEN Project will continue to review and improve its standards for the protection of personal information to the best of its ability
PLEN Project is not responsible for a customer’s personal information collected by third party websites that have been linked on websites maintained by PLEN Project.

For any inquiries or requests concerning your personal information (such as a request for PLEN Project to disclose, change, stop the use of, delete your personal information, etc…)
Please contact PLEN Project for details.