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Joint No. Assignment

The distinction between left and right is defined as seen from the PLEN's back. Rotation axis is expressed by an arrow-shaped and this is subject to the right-hand rule. "" symbol means a vector from back to front. (as if this crosses your screen vertically.) "×" symbol means a negative vector of a vector described previously. (See also : Frame of Reference of a Servo Motor)

(This is only available for just after PLEN was starting. If you rotated any parent joint, also child joints are rotating.)

 PLEN Body

No. Name Index (Old) Index (New) Rotation axis
1 Left Shoulder Pitch 18 0
2 Left Thigh Yaw 12 1
3 Left Shoulder Roll 19 2 ×
4 Left Elbow Roll 21 3
5 Left Thigh Roll 13 4 ×
6 Left Thigh Pitch 14 5
7 Left Knee Pitch 15 6
8 Left Foot Pitch 17 7
9 Left Foot Roll 16 8
10 Right Shoulder Pitch 6 12
11 Right Thigh Yaw 0 13
12 Right Shoulder Roll 7 14 ×
13 Right Elbow Roll 9 15
14 Right Thigh Roll 1 16 ×
15 Right Thigh Pitch 2 17
16 Right Knee Pitch 3 18
17 Right Foot Pitch 5 19
18 Right Foot Roll 4 20
specifications/joint_assignment.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/01 13:51 (external edit)