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Welcome to the "PLEN Playground - Wiki" !

This wiki is sharing PLEN's documents. If you have any ideas, it would be great if you could share it. Thank you for your cooperation ;)

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How to Find a Document You Need


This category has information for beginners such as assembling manuals, software instructions, and so on.


This category has information for developers such as printing guides, protocol definition, and so on.

API Guides

This category has technical information that is focused on each application.


This category has frequently asked questions on the official forum.

Resources on the GitHub

The anchor links the official GitHub account. (The GitHub account, 'plenproject', is not official. If you have been watching the account, please change your watching target.)

Prescribed Format

You could write documents using Markdown syntax with tags that are surrounding the syntax.

Any markdown syntax here...

In some ways, default wiki syntax is better than Markdown syntax, so please choose those properly. (For example, wiki engine doesn't insert edit-buttons automatically if you wrote a document with Markdown syntax.)


index.html.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/01 13:41 (external edit)