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ROS Tutorial

## Build Environment - Ubuntu - ROS indigo - python 2.7

## Install ROS Please check [this page]( and install ROS to your PC that is installed ubuntu.

### Create a Workspace Please create a working directory to develop with ROS. After that, initialize the working directory environment as follows:

```bash $ mkdir -p ~/catkin_ws/src $ cd ~/catkin_ws/src $ catkin_init_workspace $ cd ~/catkin_ws $ catkin_make ```

There is a setup script to initialize the environment. Please enter command below.

```bash $ source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash ```

This process needs at first time whenever use ROS. Thus, I recommend to add script to .bashrc file.

```bash #source /opt/ros/indigo/setup.bash source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash ```

### Create a Package Please change directory and create a package.

```bash $ cd ~/catkin_ws/src ```

```bash $ catkin_create_pkg <YOUR_PACKAGE_NAME> rospy roscpp std_msgs ```

And then, run `catkin_make` again.

```bash $ cd ~/catkin_ws $ catkin_make $ source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash ```

Now, your package can be available. Please check it with following command:

```bash catkin_ws$ roscd <YOUR_PACKAGE_NAME> catkin_ws/src/<YOUR_PACKAGE_NAME>$ ```

If you can do it, creating a package is succeeded.

## Connect to PLEN2 Since time of the shipment, PLEN2 has been access point mode (You could connect PLEN2 as WiFi). Also PLEN2 has been set different SSID and common password.

``` SSID: PLEN2dev<PLEN2_MAC_ADDRESS> Password: plenproject ```

## Setting Up ROS Environment After connect your PC to PLEN2, please check IP address of your PC with `ifconfig` command. Then, change ROS environment parameters as follows:

```bash export ROS_IP=<PC_IP_ADDRESS> export ROS_HOSTNAME=<PC_IP_ADDRESS> export ROS_MASTER_URI= ```

Now, your PC can communicate other ROS setuped devices.

## Blink LED of PLEN2's Eyes Let you blink LED of PLEN2's eyes. Please create following sample program.

```python #!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import rospy from std_msgs.msg import String

def talker():

  rospy.init_node('PCNode', anonymous=True)
  p = rospy.Publisher('PcToControl', String, queue_size=10)
  r = rospy.Rate(1)
  led_command = String() = 'gpio,w,off'
  while ( not rospy.is_shutdown() ):
      if ( 'on' in ):
 = 'gpio,w,off'
      elif ( 'off' in ):
 = 'gpio,w,on'

if name == 'main':

  except rospy.ROSInterruptException:


This script blink PLEN2's eye at every seconds. PLEN2 subscribe topic which name is PcToControl.

You need to run following command to be availabel the python script:

```bash $ chmod 755 <CREATED_SCRIPT_NAME> $ python <CREATED_SCRIPT_NAME> ```

In addition, You could control PLEN2 with command below. [See also…](

``` serial,w,<ANY_PROTOCOL_OF_PLEN2> ```

For example, if you would like to play the motion that is placed slot 4, send command below:

``` serial,w,$pm04 ```

tutorials/advanced/ros_tutorial.1468040462.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/04/01 13:52 (external edit)