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Translations of this page:

====== Menu ====== ===== Introductions ===== * [[concept]] * [[about]] * [[laws]] * [[license]] ===== Documents ===== * [[tutorials/index.html]] * [[specifications/index.html]] * [[api_guides/index.html]] * [[faq/index.html]] * [[|Resources on the GitHub]] ===== Social Accounts ===== * [[|Facebook Page]] * [[|Twitter]] * [[|Instagram]] * [[|Youtube Channel]] ===== Etc ===== * [[sitepolicy]] * [[editing]] * [[|Syntax]]


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  • URIは原則英文とし、区切り文字は-(ハイフン)ではなく_(アンダーバー)とする。
  • セクション毎の見出しは原則英文とし、トップレベルの見出しをページ名とする。

Please pay attention below when you are editing the wiki.

  • Define basically a URI as an english sentence, and please use separator "_" (this is an under-bar.).
  • Define basically a section heading as an english sentence. Wiki engine uses a top level heading as the page name.
editing.1441541569.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/04/01 13:41 (external edit)