~~NOTOC~~ ====== Top ====== ===== Welcome to the "PLEN Playground - Wiki" ! ====== This wiki is sharing PLEN's documents. If you have any ideas, it would be great if you could share it. Thank you for your cooperation ;) (Please register our forum if you want to edit the wiki.) [[https://plen.jp/playground/forum/register.php|Register now!]] ===== How to Find a Document You Need ===== ==== Tutorials ==== This category has information for beginners such as assembling manuals, software instructions, and so on. ==== Specifications ==== This category has information for developers such as printing guides, protocol definition, and so on. ==== API Guides ==== This category has technical information that is focused on each application. ==== FAQ ==== This category has frequently asked questions on the [[https://plen.jp/playground/forum/|official forum]]. ==== Resources on the GitHub ==== The anchor links the [[https://github.com/plenprojectcompany|official GitHub account.]] (The GitHub account, **'plenproject'**, is not official. If you have been watching the account, please change your watching target.) ===== Prescribed Format ===== You could write documents using **Markdown syntax** with tags that are surrounding the syntax. <code> <markdown> Any markdown syntax here... </markdown> </code> In some ways, default wiki syntax is better than Markdown syntax, so please choose those properly. (For example, wiki engine doesn't insert edit-buttons automatically if you wrote a document with Markdown syntax.) ==== References ==== * [[https://www.dokuwiki.org/syntax|Default wiki syntax]] * [[https://github.com/adam-p/markdown-here/wiki/Markdown-Cheatsheet|Markdown cheatsheet]]